Fall / Fallen
Efímero / photography. 2020
Espejo acrilico 2mm / varias localizaciones.
Fall (noun and verb):
- Autumn Season: The season occurring between summer and winter, characterized by shorter days, cooler temperatures, and the shedding of leaves from deciduous trees; also known as autumn.
- Descent or Drop: The act or instance of descending or dropping from a higher to a lower position, such as the falling of rain, snow, or leaves.
- Loss of Balance: An unintentional descent to the ground, typically resulting from a loss of balance or stability; a sudden drop or collapse.
- Waterfall: A cascade or steep descent of water over a cliff or vertical slope, often referred to as a waterfall.
- Descend or Drop: To move downward from a higher to a lower position, as in leaves falling from trees or a person falling down.
- Lose Balance: To lose one’s balance and end up on the ground involuntarily; to trip or slip.
- Decrease or Decline: To experience a reduction or decline in quantity, value, quality, etc., as in temperatures falling or stock prices falling.
- Come to the Ground: In a broader sense, to come to the ground or lower level from a higher position or status.
Fallen (adjective):
- Descended or Dropped: Having descended or dropped from a higher to a lower position, often implying a state of rest or settlement. For example, fallen leaves on the ground.
- Morally Declined: Having experienced a decline in moral or ethical standards; morally degraded or corrupted.
- Lost Balance: Having undergone a loss of balance and ended up on the ground involuntarily, as in fallen individuals.
- Deteriorated or Declined: Exhibiting a state of deterioration or decline in quantity, quality, value, or status.
- Formerly Elevated: Referring to someone or something that was once in a higher position or state but has now descended or declined.
- Religious or Mythological Context: In some religious or mythological contexts, “fallen” may refer to beings or entities that have been cast out of a higher state or grace.

Fallen from the place where you once belonged, cast out from a higher state.
Exhibiting a state of deterioration or decline.
Descended and declined. In quantity, quality, value or status.
Formerly elevated.
You end up on the ground involuntarily, a fallen individual. You trip or slip.
You still remember how is it to be up there feeling the breeze.
The sun.
The rain.
But you still remember.
And you still shine.
You let them know.